How To Use PickleC2

PickleC2 is so simple and easy to use and everything you need will be found in help option

How to help

The help command will show you everything you need and help can be used to show any option’s help through help <Option>


How to Listener

You can use help listener command to show all the listener commands.


Listeners is built on flask.

FLASK is a popular Python web framework, meaning it is a third-party Python library used for developing web applications.

Start Listener

You can start your listener through

listener start [Listener_Name] [Listener_Interface] [Listener_Port]


Stop Listener

You can stop your listener through

listener stop [Listener_Name]


List Listeners

You can list all the listeners through

listener list


Load Listener

You can use load listener if you have a not active listeners and you need to active them.

listener load


How to Implant

In this section you will be able to create your implant.

Generate Implant

You can generate implant through.

implant generate [listener_name] [Implant_Lang] [Implant_Name]


List Active Implant

You can list all the active implant through

implant list


How to Interact

After receiving the implant shell you can interact with it through

interact [Implant_Name]


After entering the interact section you can use help command to show the interact commands.


Execute Powershell

There is an option to execute a PowerShell Command through

powershell [Command]


Execute CMD

There is an option to execute a CMD command through

cmd [Command]


Invoke Module


There is an options to invoke a PowerShell script through

module [Module_Name]


Set Sleep

There is an option to set a delay time through

sleep [Secounds]


Exit Implant

There is an option to end the implant activity through


_images/exit.png Buy Me A Coffee